“Appears to be a sort of sentient nightmare that infects victims while they sleep. Those who have been attacked by PRE21 often report bizarre and horrifying dreams that left them in a state of terror and unease even after waking. Victims also often develop sleep disorders such as narcolepsy and (most commonly) somnambulism. In certain rare cases, victims have suffered permanent brain damage as a result of an attack.” –via the Archive
This is the most obvious answer to Andrew’s nightmares.
Scribe Sigma goes on to talk about circus motifs in dreams, but I didn’t see
any of that in Andrew’s dream logs.
But it seems like Andrew thought of the same thing I did.
That word document I mentioned? It was a list of words. After going through
some more of his notebooks, I realized that they were all things that appeared
at least twice in his dreams.
Most of them were very vague and common nightmare fodder: shadows,
blood, death, hopelessness.
But the word at the very bottom is the one that disturbed me
the most. It was my name.
Why the fuck was I in Andrew’s nightmares?
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