Saturday, August 4, 2012

And hope to live a little longer

I was in that darkness for what seemed like a couple days. You should know I’m going to say it could’ve been anywhere from minutes to years. It’s pretty cliché, but it’s true. Your sense of time gets screwed up when you can’t see your finger poking your eye. Not to mention the Empty City is pretty notorious for screwing with time.

I walked in one direction until I got coughed up onto some street in the City. There was nothing else I could do. At first it looked just like a normal suburban neighborhood. Almost like the one I grew up in. Out in the distance you could see that the houses went on forever and ever until they merged into the sky and disappeared into oblivion.

I ran around there for who-knows-how-long. It fucks with your head, you know. You never get used to having things change every time you look away or close your eyes. Or blink. I’d try to keep my eyes open, make it stay the same for a while, give myself a break, but then I’d falter. And I’d blink. And everything was different. I find myself doing it here sometimes. I’ll do a double take just to remind myself I’m not there. Because sometimes It would like to fuck with me. It would stay calm for a few minutes after I’d walk through a door, and I’d think that perhaps I’d finally made it out. I’d close my eyes and heave a sigh of relief, and when my eyes opened I would be in some completely different place.

Sometimes I think I’m still there and it’s just fucking with me again….

No. No. I’m not in the City. I walked out. I remember that.

I’m fine now.
I hope I die

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