Monday, April 30, 2012

Chapter 2: Marianne and Niel Brown

Sorry to burst your bubble, ProxieHunter. I got your comment too late. It did pretty much make my day though.

I had my talk with Niel. I recorded the conversation because I knew I’d post it here anyway:

Silent: So what do you want from me?

NB: You’re recording this?

Silent: You don’t mind.

NB: [There’s a moment of silence before he finally agrees]…I want you to find my sister.

Silent: What? Don’t you think that’s a job for the police, or a private investigator, or someone who’s the least bit qualified?

NB: The police think she was found three months ago.

Silent: …what…

NB: Oh come on, you had to be expecting something like that.

Silent: …well, shit… In that case, I don’t think I want to find her… But… tell me your story.

NB: My sister, Marianne, went missing six months ago. Since she was over 18, the police mostly figured that she just ran off to get away from her family, but she wasn’t that type of person. They investigated. No leads anywhere. It was like she just ceased to exist. Then, three months ago, someone found a body in an abandoned house. It was identified as my sister. It looked like my sister. But that wasn’t my sister.

Silent: I’m pretty sure I already know the answer to this, but… how are you so sure?

NB: She sent me this yesterday. [he hands me a note, I don’t have a scanner, but I’ll see what I can do to post it or recreate it later]

Silent: How do you know it’s not forged?

NB: That’s definitely her handwriting, and that little symbol in the corner is something we came up with to know what our messages were from each other when we played “spies” as kids.

Silent: cute… [I sigh] I suppose I’ll look into it.

NB: Thanks a lot.

Silent: As you said… I don’t have a choice.

And so there’s that.

Only a Matter of Time

I'm sure some of you have seen the comments on my last post. I knew someone from the school would find this blog eventually. Though, I can honestly say I was not expecting that.

That seems to be happening a lot. Before I started this, I thought I would be able to deduce what was happening around me fairly easily. Obviously, that has not been the case. It’s a little sobering and, frankly, kind of disappointing. I thought I’d be better at this.

Random tangent aside, I’m meeting with Niel Brown, the commenter from yesterday. I’ll probably post what he wants from me later.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Dead End

The incident with the door turned out to be a dud. The person who claimed to hear things was actually just hearing Professor Blakemore being the weird guy he is in his office. I think he was throwing something at the walls for some reason. Maybe he’s the one I should be looking at…

And this is really weird and completely unrelated, but I think I’m beginning to enjoy Tallie’s company. She’s pretty annoying (not quite as annoying as Nessa was, though), but she’s got some interesting things to say. She also plays piano for me a lot… So maybe I have made a friend.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Interesting Side Note

Remember that door I wrote about earlier? Apparently someone heard some odd noises coming out of it the other day. Expect a follow up on that soon.

And that girl that won’t leave me alone has a name. She’s Tallie Stevens, a music major that’s a year older than me. I can’t think of a reason why anyone reading this would be interested in that though. I’m just thinking of random things to post about so you guys won’t think I’m dead.ProxieHunter mentioned that I should make a friend. That might not be a bad idea...

I just don't really know how that works.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

No Signs

I’m a little disappointed. Despite all of these crazy ghost stories, there hasn’t been a sign of any actual Fear activity since Nessa died. I will continue to look and research since I don’t really have anything better to do (schoolwork? What schoolwork?).

Disappointment might not quite be the right term here, though. Maybe I’m still afraid that I’m overlooking something. Nessa was the first actual death in a long time, so I think I’m just being paranoid. I can’t help but wonder if someone else is going to end up dead because of me, though.

In other news, this girl started talking to me and won’t leave me alone. I’m not sure what to do about it.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Urban Legends Part 2

I really wasn’t expecting to have to make another one of these so soon. I apologize. Once again, if you have some odd aversion to long posts or if you don’t care about the stories of college students, feel free to skip this.


There’s a ghost that haunts Frye Commons. Reports vary, but it is a man, about 21 to 25 in age, wearing a three-piece suit and a fedora (this ghost is my personal favorite, he’s got class). Students call him Johnny Frye. I’m not entirely sure how that name came about other than the name of his favorite hangout. The building’s namesake was a woman by the name of Mary Elizabeth Frye.

Johnny’s story is an interesting one. Even though no one knows who he was, everyone knows how he died. The newspaper article is still in the library, and freshmen are always in there reading it. Considering that the article is now around 60 years old, I’m a little surprised it hasn’t fallen apart yet.

Unfortunately, the article is just a little shout-out to the event. It simply mentions in passing that a man, unidentified, was found dead in the basement of Frye Commons when a student went down there to smoke.
The story that everyone tells is much more forthcoming. It is said that everyone that was awake in the building heard strange whisperings starting around 4:13 a.m. Everyone said that they were too quiet to understand, but everyone that wasn’t asleep agrees that they were there. The whisperings ended right at dawn.

Johnny Frye was found about two hours after that. His throat was cut, his clothes were torn to shreds and he was stabbed about ten times in the torso. Only the students that lived in the building and maintenance workers had access to the basement during the night, but the investigation found no conclusive evidence to suspect anyone they interrogated. The man was never identified, and there were no missing people of his description in the area.

And the student that found him? He went missing about 3 days later.

According to some students that live in Frye Commons, if you listen closely you can hear Johnny Frye whispering at night.


This is one of those stories that I’m partially inclined to believe. The whole ghost thing is obviously a case of people turning a mysterious murder into a campfire story. Still, there’s definitely some truth to this. Unfortunately the story is from the fifties and all the students that were around at the time are gone.

Monday, April 23, 2012


I apologize for not updating in a while. I've been waiting for something to happen, but everything's been quiet. I don't really like it

I expected something would happen by now. Instead, Jones has been sent to prison and there has been no word of anything out of the ordinary (or more out of the ordinary than usual here). I admit I am a little disappointed.

Well, I guess this means I’m back to square one. The first story is over, and it had the most anticlimactic ending ever. I guess that’s how most lives go. Not everyone can be a hero that gets the girl or has a dramatic last stand. Most people just fade away while the rest of the world keeps marching on.

Or maybe I'm just feeling particularly pessimistic today. It's hard to tell sometimes.