Friday, March 30, 2012

Don’t Go to the Student Health Center

Nessa got her cough looked at. I was hoping to hear some report about the doctors saying it was really odd and like nothing they’d seen before. I realize now how stupid that was.

Nessa went to the student health center yesterday. They gave her something for the cough. I don't know what it was. She didn’t show me. That’s perfectly understandable. I don’t even know her. She got better… for about an hour. Now, according to her roommates, she’s been wrapped up on her bed coughing up a lung. I’d visit, but I’m not exactly sure how.

And, now that I think about it, I barely know her and that would probably be overstepping some kind of social boundary.

So it seems that the school’s medical staff is in cahoots with the Plague Doctor. The weird thing is, I’ve never heard of complaints against the Health Center before. This makes me think that Nessa was targeted specifically, which is also weird. How would they know to target her?

Perhaps the Doctor is talking to his minions, but I’ve never really seen any evidence of that before. I’ll do some digging.

It seems like shenanigans are afoot.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Physics With Nessa

Alright, I’ll admit my initial impression of Vanessa “Nessa/Nessie” Cross was a little off. She’s not stupid at all. I think she has ADD or something. It is nigh impossible to get her to focus. Once she sits down and pays attention, though, she is a very quick learner. I was impressed.

So yes, I am tutoring Nessa in Physics. Her cough has gotten a little worse, and I asked if she had seen someone about it. She replied that it was just a cough and that it would go away in a few days. I didn’t want to push the issue. From her tumblr posts, it comes and goes, and I think I know enough about social conventions to know that it isn’t my place to seem too concerned about her (right?).

It’s obvious it started with that masquerade party though.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Chapter 1: Vanessa Cross

It is just my luck to land the most annoying girl in the universe as the first possible target of a Fear. She is exactly the type of person that makes me want to kill puppies or something equally socially frowned upon.

I’m being a bit harsh. She’s just (for lack of a more eloquent phrase) really annoying. She asked me to tutor her (I believe her phrasing was along the lines of: “You know this physics crap, right? Can you tell me how it works?”). She had a slight cough when I spoke to her. Not much to go on, but I also noticed that she’d been skipping out of class recently. Initially, I thought that it was just because she didn’t like the class. After doing some digging (more like weak scraping), however, I began to think a little differently.

I found out she had a tumblr account (with a surprisingly clever title: Here). Signs point straight to the Plague Doctor. Unless someone really thought that a long black robe and a bird mask was cool to wear to a masquerade party. Somehow I doubt that’s the case…

Though, Vanessa seemed to really enjoy it. I’m not exactly the authority on current trends. It also seems like things have been cooling down around her lately. I’ll be keeping an eye on her nonetheless. I don't actually have much of a choice, though. I kind of freaked out when she asked me about physics, and I agreed to tutor her without even thinking about it. It's really only some sort of odd coincidence that she happened to be a potential target...

End of Spring Break Roundup!

So my entire Spring Break was spent researching different Fears and the stories and urban legends of this campus. Most of them were actually just the same stories with different details, but I think I've got some potential leads.

Here's a list of the potential Fears that haunt this place:
  • Empty City
  • Nightlanders
  • Choir
  • Rake
 I'm sure there's more too. I wasn't kidding when I said this place was crazy. That being said, a lot of the stories I found were your usual generic ghost stories, so I don't doubt that a lot of them are untrue.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


It's spring break, so this week is dedicated to some more intense research. Apparently my last posts caused some confusion. I don't know why I haven't been targeted by one of the Fears. Who's to say I'm not a target, and I'm just too dull to notice the signs. Maybe the fact that I'm making this blog is a sign.

The point is, I'm a lurker with plenty of time on my hands. Of course I know about the Fears. I've read a lot of the blogs, that includes Proxiehunter's.

I'm also not completely stupid. I know that I'm risking a lot here. But I'm bored, and I don't intend to become another one of those people that does nothing with their life.

Now that I think about it, that statement did not help my "not completely stupid" case.

Basically, what I'm trying to say here is that I know what I'm getting into. I have my Running supplies at the ready. I'm totally prepared to come out of this dead.

I don't really care though. I've planned the plan; it's time to carry it through.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Introduction by Silent

I have already mentioned that I wish to remain anonymous, but I believe I should begin with an introduction of myself. If only so those reading will better understand my motives. Frankly, I couldn’t care less about most of the seven billion people in the world. I think that that number is far too high to begin with. That being said, I don’t approve of the ending of the human race. There are some things that we’ve done that I enjoy a lot. Like the Internet and Portal. I also approve of knowledge. That is my goal in life, and I believe that should be the goal of the human race. So I am mixing my love of the Internet with my love of knowledge. If you understood any of my previous post, you should understand what I am speaking of.

I’m not about to start doing freaky experiments like the Genera Center or the Archive or something. I’m just a college kid struggling to pay for instant ramen and books. I have neither the time, money, nor lack of empathy for that.

However, I have noticed that the members of the world of the “Fears” are mainly around my age: high school and college students. And there are things happening around campus. This campus has more ghost stories than you can count, and if you look closely, you can see that some things are odd. My first post about people not being able to tell their stories was mostly dramatic flair, but my goal is to see if it is true. How many people are being targeted by eldritch abominations without even knowing it?

Stay tuned to find out.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Their Story Begins

This is not a blog about me. I do not have a story to tell. This is a blog about the people who cannot tell their story themselves. Because, despite the universality of the Internet, and the memes that spread across the country, and the countless other blogs out there, some people don’t know what is happening to them. Sometimes they don’t have a blog of their own. Sometimes they don’t have a helpful anonymous outsider on the Internet to tell them what is happening to them.

And maybe that’s a good thing. For, as they say, ignorance is bliss. Perhaps it is best that most of the world doesn’t know what is happening to their neighbors or what that homeless vagabond is running from. What would knowledge accomplish other than Fear?

I am an observer, nameless and anonymous. And though I don’t believe that everyone should learn of the monsters under their beds and in their closets, I believe that their victims’ stories should be heard.