Singularis Theory

There have been many proposed theories about what exactly the Fears are, including the Tulpa theory, which claims that the Fears came from our belief in them, and a more Lovecraftian idea that they are elder beings from the cosmos. Given their distinctively eldritch characteristics, it is next to impossible to truly prove what they are. Modern science, and the simple observation that most have been doing at this point are simply not enough to attempt to understand them. That being said, analyzing replies to questions asked on my blog as well as stories from Runners, Hunters, and even the occasional Proxy, has led me to propose yet another theory. I have decided to call this theory “Singularis Theory,” coming from the Latin word for “single.” I have chosen this name because I am proposing that there is only a single entity. All of the Fears are one being.

The main reason why I came to this conclusion was because of the startling amount of new Fears that are constantly appearing. There around twenty-four commonly sighted Fears, including the Blind Man, the Wooden Girl, and the Archangel, but there are many more Fears that have recently appeared such as the Vision and the Red Cap. Given that these “sightings” are mainly recorded through the blogs of Runners, Hunters, and Proxies, there could be many more that simply have not been recorded on the Internet. As a commenter who signed off as “Knight” on my blog said, there may be hundreds of different Fears. However, each of them seems to be distinct. Some are humanoid in appearance, but others take the form of animals or even sound waves and shadows. So, they don’t seem to be an invasion of a different “species” or even life forms as we currently define it. However, if there were a single being that somehow had the ability to alter our perception and appear in multiple places at once, it could be possible that it is the source of the numerous Fears.

Fig. 1: A chart showing each of the major Fears along with the number of sightings recorded in blog format that Yuki and I could find. The Slenderman is not included because with the recent surge in popularity, the number of true sightings is impossible to know. Fears are classified as “major” by having more than two sightings.

The next reason why I came to my conclusion about a singular entity is because of sudden occurrence of Fears and the rapid appearance of new fears. Though this is very similar to my last point, it is distinct in that it reveals, at least a very little, some of this being’s motivations. Judging from appearance on the Internet, I believe that the figure known as “the Slenderman” was the first appearance of the Fear. As a very vague and ominous figure, it is also the most general of all the Fears. I believe that this was the Fear’s “observation” phase. With this very vague, almost-human form, it observed people, how they interacted, their fears, their motivations, et cetera. After this point, it began to become more focused. It formed itself to more specific phobias that humans have and monsters that we have created. This would account for the surge in increasingly specific Fears.

Many people claim that there has been Fear activity beyond what we have seen on the Internet. According to them, the Internet has allowed a freedom of speech and an audience previously unavailable. However, the Internet was commercialized in 1995. One would think that stories and sightings would appear as soon as individuals had access to such a free medium. However, most sightings have occurred after 2009. While there have been a few sightings dated before that year, the multi-dimensional properties that allow it to appear in multiple places at once may also allow it to appear at different times at once. The concentration of activity in recent years, however, makes me believe that this is its “starting point,” or as much of one as we can really comprehend.

Though Singularis Theory is just one more among many, I think the research I have done lends it some weight. It could explain separate Fears working together as well as the sudden appearance of more specialized Fears.


  1. What about the instances where the beings fight with each other? Is that the singular being trying to throw us off, or does it have multiple aspects of its mind that constantly bicker?

  2. I see I'm not the only one to question the theory on that basis.

  3. It forms to your psyche. It does what you think it should do, for the most part. If that includes putting on a show for you, it'll do it.

    Or you could think of it this way: finger puppets can pretend to fight each other while being on the same hand.

    1. Oh please, you're making shit up now.

      What about "you're wrong" don't you understand?
