Monday, May 14, 2012

It’s Rambling Time!

I don’t really have anything else to do right now (well, other than study for finals, but I can push that off a bit), so I’m going to use this time to just spit out my thoughts about this whole situation.

I’ve gone through everything within my reach, and there is no information about Niel or Marianne Brown. The school’s records are empty (don’t ask about how I got into those). I went back to his “parents” and asked about him. They had no idea what I was talking about. All of the photos I spoke of before were gone. Even that recording of the conversation I’d transcribed here is gone without a trace of existence. This blog is the only thing that indicates that he even existed. Even my memories are gone.

The weird part is that I’m not missing any time. I remember the past fortnight perfectly besides Niel. I remember going to class, hanging out with Tallie. I saw the Avengers on the 4th and the 12th. It’s like those memories were just lifted, leaving the rest behind.

The only explanation I can think of is the Quiet. However, there are some problems with that I pointed out during my investigation. I’m going to see if I’ve missed anything in my research on the Quiet and the other possible Fears mentioned earlier. I’m also going to flesh out and organize my investigation a bit and see if that helps. I’ll report back when I’m done.

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